Really nice dreamy feel.
The lead melody makes me feel good and somehow powerful for some reason.
The only thing that's bugging me is the mixing. The song sounds kind of too full while it should feel light and "floating" in my opinion.
Really nice dreamy feel.
The lead melody makes me feel good and somehow powerful for some reason.
The only thing that's bugging me is the mixing. The song sounds kind of too full while it should feel light and "floating" in my opinion.
Haha thanks!
Well I wasn't going for a dreamy feel whoops XD I intentionally made the mix full because that's how I wanted the track to sound, I guess. But I might make a lighter, more floaty section when I possibly extend the track!
The intro was nice but I heard some crackling there, your piano was probably too loud and the song started clipping. The drums at 0:28 and from there on are a bit too crazy and sudden to my taste.
The sound that starts at 0:57 could use some effects. You know, reverb, chorus, phaser, unison and all that good stuff. You also pretty much need a bass sound for electronic music. Either a low sine wave or a simple saw bass would do the trick.
The song just ends suddenly, a nice calm ending would've been great here.
Thanks Man! Like the honesty u notice alot of things what kind of headphones u got?
ihan perus äänet, vois olla siistimpii ku käy tylsäks
ja vähän pelottava mut se on hyvä asia
kiva huomaan et oot laittanu handsup piirteitä tähän :DDD (kai)
on vaan demo siks annan 9
ja vois joko laittaa bassoo hiljemmalle tai leadii eq enemmän
aaaha ok
ei oo mitään loppua vaa master volume menee vaa alaspäin
droppisnare on liian koval ja mun mielest ei kannattais olla snare vaa joku muu droppi
muuten aika siisti
Kiitti! :D
xmas present FOR ME????? YAY
liikaa korkeit äänii ja liian vähän bassoo
laita jtn mataliikin ääänii
huono ku sama juttu tulee koko ajan uudestaan
muuten aika siisti
jaa ok :)
mut olisit voinu laittaa jotain cutoff automationii tohon mun bassoääneen
ja tee joku sub basso ku en tuntenu bassoo D:
ok. mut se ei ollut sun ääni, se on mun vähän kuin kopio siit ;) ja teen siihen aika kovan basson